
NEW! Calprotectin in feces

We inform you that a new test for the detection of calprotectin in feces is available in our laboratories – an important marker for differentiating inflammatory from non-inflammatory bowel diseases.

Calprotectin is a protein released by white blood cells – neutrophils. In the presence of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, neutrophils in the digestive tract release calprotectin, resulting in increased levels in the feces.

The concentration of fecal calprotectin shows a good correlation with the inflammatory process in the intestine and is therefore used as a biomarker in gastrointestinal disorders, i.e. it serves to detect an inflammatory process in the intestine – especially to distinguish between inflammatory disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and non-inflammatory disease (irritable colon syndrome).

Results release time: Same day

No appointment available in all our laboratories.

Price: 1,200 denars

Specimen required: Feces