What is NIPD?
NIPT is a non-invasive prenatal test which analyzes cell-free DNA in the mother’s blood to identify genetic syndromes such as trisomies and sex chromosome aneuploidies in the fetus.
VERACITY is a new generation non-invasive prenatal test that analyses cell-free DNA extracted from the mother’s blood to detect fetal genetic disorders. VERACITY can accurately detect trisomies Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. VERACITY also tests for syndromes caused by sex chromosome aneuploidies and microdeletions as well as, provides the option to know the gender of the baby. VERACITY is a robust reliable non-invasive prenatal test that has been validated for singleton and twin pregnancies, and can also be used in IVF pregnancies.
What disorders are detected by VERACITY?
VERACITY tests for:
Trisomy: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome;
Aneuploidy of sex chromosomes: Turner syndrome, triple X syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Jacobs syndrome, XXYY syndrome;
• microdeletions: DiGeorge syndrome, 1p36 deletion syndrome, Smith-Magenis syndrome and Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome;
What disorders are detected by VERACITY?
VERACITY is a very important test because it provides safe and complete screening of the health condition of the fetus at a very early stage of pregnancy. VERACITY is a new generation non-invasive prenatal test that has significantly high accuracy (> 99%) and has no risk to the mother and fetus.
What are Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome and Patau Syndrome?
Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome are genetic disorders caused by chromosomal trisomies. Down syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, while Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome are caused by an extra copy of chromosome 18 and 13. Down syndrome is characterized by intellectual disability and congenital abnormalities and occurs in approximately 1 in 700 pregnancies. more common in pregnant women over 35 years of age.
Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome are less common and occur in 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 10,000 pregnancies, respectively. These syndromes are characterized by severe congenital abnormalities and a rare survival rate after the first year of life.
What are sex chromosome aneuploidies?
The sex chromosomes X and Y are carriers of sex-determining genes (female – XX, male – HU). Aneuploidy occurs when the sex chromosome has an extra copy or when it lacks a copy.
Such genetic conditions are most often manifested by impaired ability to reproduce, mild to severe learning difficulties and behavioral problems.
VERACITY detects the following sex chromosome aneuploidies:
Turner syndrome is characterized by the presence of one X chromosome and the absence of the other X chromosome. Occurs only in female children (monosomy X – karyotype 45, X0)
Triple X syndrome is characterized by the presence of an extra copy of the X chromosome. Occurs only in female children (trisomy X – karyotype 47, XXX)
Klinefelter syndrome is characterized by the presence of an extra copy of the X chromosome. Occurs only in male children (karyotype 47, XXY)
Jacobs syndrome is characterized by the presence of an extra copy of the Y chromosome. Occurs only in boys (karyotype 47, XYY)
What are microdeletions?
These genetic disorders are caused by the deletion of part of a chromosome. They are manifested by congenital anomalies and intellectual disability. The severity of the symptoms varies depending on the size and location of the microdeletion. The most common microdeletion is DiGeorge syndrome, which occurs in one in a thousand pregnancies.
Why should I choose VERACITY?
VERACITY is a non-invasive prenatal test of the new generation with 99% accuracy. The high accuracy of VERACITY has been demonstrated in several clinical validation studies using several thousand samples. VERACITY is a safe non-invasive test for the mother and fetus because the only sample needed for this test is venous blood from the mother.
The VERACITY test is validated for single and twin pregnancies as well as for pregnancies achieved by assisted reproduction techniques (IVF, including pregnancies with donated eggs) and can be performed after the 10th week of gestation. This test additionally determines the sex of the fetus.
For all other questions, you can call 02 3179 001 and talk to a representative of Avicenna Laboratory or consult your gynecologist about the test.
How much does the VERACITY test cost?
The price for making the VERACITY test is 31900 denars and it is available in installments.