Објавено на: 05.11.2020
Test for COVID-19 and FLU
Last updated on: 01.10.2021
High-specific molecular multiplex Real-Time PCR test is available at Avicena Laboratory for simultaneous detection, identification and differentiation between the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and seasonal...

Објавено на: 03.11.2020
INSTAND certified tests for COVID-19
Last updated on: 23.09.2021
Avicena Laboratory received INSTAND certificates for COVID-19 immunoassays, as part of the regular external quality control in October. External control programs for the operation and...
Објавено на: 19.10.2020
Avicena Laboratory was part of the largest donor happening under the motto “Feed 10.000”
Last updated on: 27.05.2021
Again, this year Avicena Laboratory in cooperation “Site siti” and “Ajde Makedonija “was part of the largest donor happening under the motto “Nahrani 10.000”. The Avicena...

Објавено на: 26.05.2016
Avicena Laboratory participated at IX Balkan Congress of Microbiology – Microbiologia Balkanika 2015
Last updated on: 26.05.2021
Dears, We are pleased to inform you that а part of the Avicena Laboratory’s team participated at the IX Balkan Congress of Microbiology – Microbiologia...