
Matilda Taneska Stojanoska: Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the new non-invasive prenatal test VERAgene

Interview with Matilda Taneska Stojanoska, M.Sc. – Molecular Biologist Embryologist, Head of the Molecular Laboratory in Avicenna Laboratory

Avicenna Laboratory recently introduced the most comprehensive non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) of the latest generation – VERAgene. This test is the only non-invasive test that simultaneously screens more than one hundred genetic conditions in the fetus during pregnancy. Although prenatal tests are well known to us, VERAgene is completely new to our market and is a unique and innovative solution for expectant parents.

For that purpose, we are talking with Matilda Taneska Stojanoska, MA, molecular biologist embryologist, head of the molecular department at Avicenna Laboratory, who will answer the most frequently asked questions about the new NIPT test VERAgene.

Read the whole interview on femina.mk